Helpful Hints:
Alpha to Omega (A to Z)
Athens has some of the most wonderful museums In Europe, and certainly no trip would be complete without a visit to the Acropolis. You can take several fascinating day tips, including a day's cruise to the nearby Island of Hydra and Aegina; or a bus trip and guided tour of Delphi and/or the Meteora. These tours are sold by nearly all Athens travel agents and are reasonably priced.
Beaches on Tinos are plentiful, and just a few minutes walk past the STUDIO is a beach and small cafe for your mid-day meal. The water is warmest during the hot summer months, but swimming is possible as early as May and until the end of October. There are no nude beaches on Tinos, but many women go topless.
Clothing Is casual; shorts are permitted everywhere except churches and monasteries; a windbreaker or light jacket is essential; warm clothes are needed before June and after September. Good walking shoes are recommended; don't forget your bathing suit and sun block.
Drivers' licenses are required for all car/bike rentals. Cars are all late model and in good condition, but no cars are available with automatic transmission, and very few are air-conditioned. Generally, the roads are excellent (though narrow and winding), and driving is done on the right-hand side. By law, seatbelts are required as well as helmets for motorbikes.

Eating out can be a pleasure and moderately priced. Most restaurants have outdoor seating areas often with a view of the sea and the food is fresh, traditionally prepared and very healthy - the Mediterranean diet. Fresh fish is an island specialty, but expensive.
Film and batteries for your camera are readily available but might be slightly more expensive. Same-day developing is done on the island.
Guidebooks to Greece (such as FODORS, THE LONELY PLANET and THE ROUGH GUIDE) can be purchased from any bookshop in your country. THE GUIDEBOOK OF TINOS (128 pages with colour photos) can be ordered from the studio at the cost of $20 including shipping and postage. Send a personal check made out to PETROS DELLATOLAS.
Hospital facilities are not available on Tinos except for the National Health Care Clinic that can handle minor Illnesses and Injuries. Serious problems are treated at the hospital on nearby Syros or referred to Athens. In addition to the clinic, there are numerous physicians and dentists practicing on the Island.
Internet cafes and Internet access is widely available on the island. For travellers who bring their own laptops, the better class hotels have access in each room. The Greek servers Forthnet and OTENet sell cards that give you from two week to six-month service.

Java (As in coffee) is available in several forms. The traditional Greek/Turkish coffee is available everywhere. Hotels and restaurants also serve instant coffee and at cafeterias one even finds filter and cappuccino. Also popular in the summer is iced instant coffee called a "frappe".
Kiosks are tiny newsstands located throughout town that sell cigarettes, candy, ice cream, water, soft drinks, etc. They are usually open from early morning until late at night and some of them have metered phones for local and long distance phone calls. They all sell phone cards for all Greek pay phones and cell phone cards.
Language is always a challenge! Most shops, restaurants, and hotels have personnel that speak English, German or French. Foreign language newspapers, paperback books and magazines are sold at two newspaper stores in town.
Money exchange is done at the local banks or at the Post Office. The currency is the same throughout the European Union, the Euro, and exchange rates fluctuate daily. Most merchants prefer cash, and cash machines are scattered throughout town. Travellers' checks can be changed at banks, but if using credit cards, merchants might add 5-6% extra on your purchase. Banks are open Monday thru Friday, 0830. 1400.
Nightlife is abundant on Tinos offering a wide range of music from foreign to Greek. Bars close around 3:00am.
Orthodoxy is the state religion of Greece and a very special influence on Tinos. The island is home to the Holy Church of the Annunciation and is a major religious pilgrimage to people of the Greek Orthodox religion. The Annunciation of the Virgin is celebrated on August 15, and Tinos becomes the destination for thousands of worshipers. The studio remains closed for two weeks during this time since accommodation and travel to the island becomes very difficult.

Pack clothes and personal belongings sparingly! You might be bringing tools for work at the studio and they add on the weight quickly. Shipping things to Tinos ahead of time can be costly and risky - DO WITHOUT! You will not find help carrying your luggage through airports or on and off ferryboats, so be kind to yourself and pack lightly. Backpacks are practical and leave your hands free. To save shipping costs you might consider taking your sculpture home with you and a wheeled carry-on might be just the thing. The studio will help you keep the size of your piece appropriate for this purpose and help you pack it for taking it with you.
Quiet time in Greece (the siesta) is usually between the hours of three and six in the afternoon, so most shops are closed during that time and reopen in the evenings. Our studio hours reflect that tradition. Most shops close around 1400 and reopen at 1800. Restaurants close 1500 and reopen for dinner at 1900, although dinner for most Greeks tend to eat much later.
Razors, hairdryers and other small appliances use 220 volts In Greece. If your appliances do not convert to this current, either leave them home or bring an adapter.
Schedules and times in Greece are based on the 24-hour clock: i.e., one o'clock in the afternoon is 1300. Weights, measures and distances are Metric.

Time difference between New York and Athens is 7 hours. To receive a call at the studio during work hours, the caller must call no later than 0700 Eastern Standard Time. The telephone number at the studio is +30 22830 23664.
Unless you are renting a house with a washing machine, bring clothing that is easily washed by hand. Tinos has no self-service laundromat and cleaning service is expensive. Oh, did I mention to pack lightly?
Visas are not necessary for EU citizens, Americans or Canadian. Other travellers should check with the Greek consulate in their country. All non-EU countries need to have a valid passport. One may stay up to three months before a visa is required. All major countries have embassies or consulates in Athens should you lose your passport or need other assistance. It is a good idea to carry a photocopy of your passport in a separate place in case of loss or theft.
Weather in Greece is temperate not tropical. Spring can be cool, with an occasional shower. Wildflowers are in abundance, and the Island is lush and green. July and August are dry and hot but kept cool by a some times brisk, north wind. September and October are variable months and a brief rain shower is possible.

X-cept for special prescription drugs you may be taking, most general drugs and medications are readily available at local pharmacies. Disposable contacts and supplies for lenses are sold here, and opticians can repair eyeglasses. Drug laws are very strict in Greece so if you are carrying medications, even generic, be certain that you have the packaging with you explaining what they are.
Yogurt and Greek honey! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Zeus, zealot, zephyr and zymosis. There, you've had your first Greek lesson!